


Character Role Analysis

Rocky and Eddie

Rocky and Eddie are Frank's two creations, each sharing half of the same brain. Eddie is old-fashioned, likes rock-n-roll, and looks like Meat Loaf. (Because he's played by Meat Loaf.)

Rocky is almost a blank slate, although he fits more into the glam-rock stereotype by wearing very little clothing (and what little clothing he wears is solid gold).

The only thing that would make Frank happy is having the best of both worlds—heart and muscle. But he seems capable of only creating one or the other. Does he regret killing Eddie when his muscle-bound Adonis Rocky cheats on him? Or was Eddie not as faithful to Frank as we might be led to believe? He had a relationship with Columbia, too.

Ugh. Creating life can be stressful and confusing—that's why we tend to advocate against becoming a power-hungry mad scientist.