Room Part 3: Dying Quotes
Room Part 3: Dying Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 1
"We could smash down the walls." But we don't have a jeep to smash them down or a bulldozer even. "We could… blow up Door." (3.81)
Jack is coming up with ideas from cartoons, which is a nice thought. If only escape in real life was as easy as it is in the cartoons. Our calls to Acme for a big crate of dynamite always go unanswered… and probably have us monitored by the NSA.
Quote 2
Oh, I have to Wriggle Out, I was forgetting. I start to do like a snake, but Rug's got tighter I don't know how, I'm stuck I'm stuck. (3.730)
Jack goes into claustrophobic panic at being stuck inside Rug. We have to wonder if this is how Ma feels inside Room, which feels like it's getting tighter and tighter around her every day.
"You don't even know what it's doing to you." [Ma's] voice is shaky. "You need to see things, touch things—" (3.251)
Ma longs for Jack to explore Outside more than Jack does. Jack is content staying inside Room, his home, but Ma knows how many wonderful things are Outside for him to experience.