How we cite our quotes: [Part.Paragraph]
Quote #1
Ma doesn't like Meltedy Spoon but he's my favorite because he's not the same. (1.52)
Once Jack finds himself Outside Room, he is kind of like Meltedy Spoon… he's not the same as anyone else. Although a lot of people like him because of his differences, they also want to make him a part of society. But taking Room out of Jack would be like unmelting the spoon.
Quote #2
"Uh-oh, hitting's not allowed." […] "Actually, boxing… it's nasty but it's a game, it's kind of allowed if they have those special gloves on." (1.381, 1.386)
Ma tries to explain the way society works, with all its weird exceptions, even though Jack's trapped inside Room. She wants to teach him good morals —like don't hit people—but she also wants him to understand that sometimes people do hit people, and in certain contexts, it's okay. How can anyone keep all these rules straight?