How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sabrina.
Quote #4
SABRINA: Kiss me, David.
DAVID: Love to, Sabrina.
[kisses her]SABRINA: Again. That's better.
DAVID: What's the matter, darling? You're not worried about us, are you? Because I'm not. So there'll be a big stink in the family. So who cares?
SABRINA: David... I don't think I'm going to have dinner with Linus. I don't wanna go out with him.
DAVID: [chuckling] Why not?
SABRINA: I want to be near you.
DAVID: Oh, I know how you feel, Sabrina. It must be an awful bore, but if Linus wants to take you out, let's be nice about it. It's very important. He's our only ally. Don't you see, Father will try to cut off my allowance and send me off to Larrabee Copper in Butte, Montana, and we don't wanna go to Butte, Montana, do we?
Sabrina wants to stop seeing Linus—but she can't because he has power, not only over her, but over David. Sabrina is falling in love with Linus, but she's also stuck with him because he has money and influence, which she and David can't ignore. Sabrina's fantasy is that social class doesn't matter to love—but at the same time, as this quote points out, class and power sneak into everything.
Quote #5
THOMAS: Democracy can be a wickedly unfair thing, Sabrina. Nobody poor was ever called democratic for marrying somebody rich.
Thomas is pointing out that the rich are seen as virtuous or egalitarian when they marry the poor. The poor, on the other hand, are seen as trying to get ahead when they marry the rich. Even equality favors the rich—which, as Thomas says, is "wickedly unfair."