Matt Burke Timeline & Summary


Matt Burke Timeline & Summary

  • Matt works most of his life as a high school teacher in Jerusalem's Lot. Not the most exciting life, but he doesn't seem to mind.
  • Matt meets Ben in Dell's Place, and they hit it off.
  • Matt talks to Ben about the Marsten House and its evil past, as well as the strange goings-on in town.
  • A night or so later, he runs into Mike Ryerson, a former student in the bar. Mike is so sick that Matt invites him home.
  • At his house, Matt hears the vampire Danny Glick invited in, and hears him suck Mike's blood. Bleah.
  • The next night, Mike returns. Matt confronts and banishes him with a cross but suffers a heart attack. Susan Norton, who is in the house at the time, calls the ambulance.
  • Matt and Ben organize to fight the vampires with the help of Susan, Father Callahan, Jimmy Cody, Matt's doctor, and eventually Mark Petrie.
  • Since Matt is confined to the hospital, he takes charge of research, and reads up heavily on the occult. Reading is the English teacher's superpower.
  • Matt has a heart attack and dies while Ben, Mark, and Jimmy are still out trying to find and kill Barlow.