'Salem's Lot Resources

King's official website, which includes news, FAQs, info on upcoming releases, and extensive discussions of all his works, including 'Salem's Lot.
Movie or TV Productions

A 3-hour plus adaptation by director Tobe Hopper (of Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame). This is generally thought of as the best adaptation, though it can be hard to find.

This film doesn't have anything to do with 'Salem's Lot the novel, except that it has vampires in it.

Rob Lowe plays Ben Mears. If you love Rob Lowe, you should watch it; otherwise… we're gonna go with not so much.
Articles and Interviews

Grady Hendrix says 'Salem's Lot isn't very good, but at least it was trying to be literature.

James Smythe has a more positive assessment of the book.

A difficult childhood, a ton of phobias, and a battle with drug and alcohol addiction—it's all here.

Stephen King talks about how he writes the first lines of his novels.

King slams Twilight and The Hunger Games, and talks about his alcoholism and his novels.

King discusses one of his most recent projects.

Don't open your window to a vampire kid. Seriously, just don't.

A brief video biography of King.

The BBC Created a Radio drama based on King's novel; all seven 30-minute episodes are available for download at the link.

An NPR interview with the big guy himself.

An image of the house from the 1979 TV series.

A spooky old house by artist Jerry Uelsmann from the deluxe illustrated edition of 'Salem's Lot.