Sarah's Shell Collection
The thing that Sarah misses the most about Maine—besides her family and friends, that is—is the ocean. Although she can't take her brother or aunts to the Midwest with her, she can take a part...
The Hay Dune
When Sarah comes to the Midwest, a bit thing she misses about the Maine landscape is the sand dunes, When she tells the Witting family about how she and her brother used to slide down the dunes, Ja...
The Storm
When the storm comes, it's scary and overwhelming, but it's also an opportunity for Sarah and the Witting family to band together. The storm is representative of a difficult time that could destroy...
The Colored Pencils
At the end of the book, Sarah returns home after her solo wagon ride into town and shows the children what she bought: blue, green, and gray colored pencils. The pencils show the children that she'...