By the time of this performance in 1971, James Brown has ditched the afro, going back to his famous regular 'do. Brown sure knows how to work up a crowd, as they come join him on stage at the very end.

This video of Brown performing this song before an adoring crowd of young Playboy Playmates (and Hugh Hefner) at the Playboy Mansion is equal parts classic and hilarious.

This song was Brown's first hit, which he recorded in 1956 with the group The Flames. Brown would end his shows with this number. In this performance, Brown collapses mid-song, exhausted from an evening of hysteric, frantic dance moves. His bandmates bring him a king's robe and begin to escort him off stage, singing "please, please don't go." Well but Brown simply would not go...offstage that is. He throws off the robe and continues singing louder than ever. Talk about showmanship!

Just in case you did not think James Brown could belt out a beautiful ballad, well here's proof. Brown plays homage to his home state, and to his fellow Georgian Ray Charles. And in case you weren't sure if he deserved the title, "The Hardest Working Man in Show Business," check out all the sweat reflecting off the lights and dripping from his brow.

Learn how to do the boogaloo, funky chicken, mashed potatoes, camel walk, and the robot, among others, from James Brown himself.