The Scarlet Ibis Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I can't walk brother," he said.

"Who says so?" I demanded.

"Mama, the doctor — everybody." (2.4-6)

When Brother proves the doctor wrong, he assumes everything the doctor says is wrong. This is partly to blame for Doodle's death. If brother had understood that Doodle was capable of more than the doctor said, but still vulnerable, tragedy might not have struck.

Quote #5

Doodle was frightened of being left. (2.13)

Brother knows that Doodle's biggest fear was of abandonment. So, the fact that he abandoned Doodle in the storm just before Doodle's death must cause him amazing amounts of guilt. The last thing Doodle saw of Brother was Brother running away from him.

Quote #6

His hand, trembling, reached out, and when he touched the casket he screamed. (2.13)

Brother forcing Doodle to touch the coffin sounds like a fairly normal, though mean, thing for one brother to do to another. Because Doodle died tragically, the memory increases Brother's guilt and his feelings that he did wrong by Doodle when he was alive.