The Scarlet Ibis Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There wasn't a sound as Doodle walked slowly across the room and took his seat at the table. (3.16)

We can feel the love in this scene. What a warm moment. To know that a beloved son can walk when they though he couldn't must seem like a miracle. This scene is important because it shows the family lovingly interacting.

Quote #5

[…] and that Doodle walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled Brother. (3.18)

We feel for Brother here. Even before Doodle dies, Brother feels like he doesn't love Doodle enough. While Mama and Daddy are loving, they don't seem to be the deepest communicators. There is no indication that they guess that Brother is experiencing conflicted emotions and that he needs someone to talk to about them.

Quote #6

He even came up with the idea that he could marry Mama and I could marry Daddy. (4.22)

In this moment we understand just how much the boys love their parents and each other. We also can see that they feel very loved.