The Scarlet Ibis Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I can still see mama watching him […] (2.1)

This line reminds the reader that the story is a memory. There is something very tender about Brother picturing his mother worriedly watching her young son struggling to crawl, in spite of his "weak heart" (2.1).

Quote #5

Then I'd paint for him a picture of us as old men […]. (3.13)

We find this moment interesting because it discusses both the past and the future. It's painful sad because it shows that Brother always assumed Doodle would live to be an old man, and that he shared this assumption with Doodle.

Quote #6

And during that summer strange names were heard through the house: Chateau Thierry, Amiens, Soisson […]. (4.4)

These are the names of World War I battle sites. In this way, Brother subtly connects the deaths of boys in war with Doodle's death. This also helps us understand the larger setting of the story, and places Brother's memory in time.