The Scarlet Ibis Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

People in his stories all had wings and flew wherever they wanted to go. (2.21)

Doodle's stories express the pressure he feels from his physical limitations. If he could fly, he wouldn't have to struggle so hard to get around. It also lends to Brother's idea of Doodle as a kind of angelic figure.

Quote #5

For a long, long time, it seemed like forever, I lay there crying, sheltering my fallen scarlet ibis from the heresy of rain. (4.51)

Notice that this line is a simile. Brother doesn't say Doodle is like a scarlet ibis. That would be a metaphor. He says that Doodle is an ibis. By transforming Doodle into an ibis Brother can distance himself from the horror that his little brother is dead. If you want to know what "heresy of rain" is, go to "What's Up With the Ending?"