Journey in Science Fiction

Journey in Science Fiction

We'll find lots and lots of journeys in sci-fi. People are traveling all over the place. They might zip from galaxy to galaxy, or from time to time. If the whole universe were your oyster, wouldn't you be jumping from one place to the next too?

So journeys are another recurring theme in sci-fi. If we pay close attention, we'll find that there's hardly a sci-fi text that doesn't include some kind of voyage. This is often one of the structuring devices in works of sci-fi.

Chew On This

How central are journeys to the Sci-fi genre? Super central. They're certainly important in Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles is full of journeys between Earth and Mars. And it is rockets, of course, that get people to Mars. Check out this description of a rocket from the book.