Commander Kruge (Christopher Lloyd)’s Timeline and Summary

Commander Kruge (Christopher Lloyd)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Kruge's lover delivers the Genesis plans to him. He rewards her with a lovely murder. (How sweet.)
  • After seeing the data, the Klingon decides that it'll make the ultimate weapon for preserving his race. Not that the race is going anywhere…but he's a bad guy.
  • Kruge arrives at Genesis and attacks the Grissom.
  • His gunner accidentally destroys the ship, so Kruge purposefully destroys his gunner.
  • Wanting prisoners, Kruge beams down to Genesis to search for some, Pokemon Go-style.
  • He succeeds but is called up to the ship with the arrival of Enterprise.
  • Kruge manages to battle the starship to a tie. He demands Kirk's surrender. To show he has the upper hand, he has one of the hostages, David, killed.
  • After Kruge's crew is killed on the Enterprise, he stays on the Bird-of-Prey until Kirk calls him for a ride home.
  • The Klingon commander beams down to the planet and fights Kirk for survival and for Genesis.
  • He loses and his life ends in a pit of lava—a death any true villain should be proud of.