Torg and Maltz (Stephen Liska and John Larroquette)

Character Analysis

Torg and Maltz are Klingons serving under Kruge. It is easy to tell them apart because Torg looks like he got his hair done by a blind, hatchet-wielding grandma while Maltz looks like he had to train his eyebrows before they would settle on his face.

Okay, maybe it's not so easy.

Torg leads the Enterprise boarding party. Apparently having never played a video game, he doesn't recognize a self-destruct countdown when he hears one, and he perishes with the Enterprise.

Maltz is the calmer, more rationale Klingon of the bunch. He locates David and Saavik on Genesis and stays with the ship while Kruge goes to fistfight Kirk. The last surviving member of the crew, he demands that Kirk kill him so he can preserve his honor. Kirk promises to do so but reveals he lied.

Suffering a fate worse than death, Maltz is ultimately written out of the script. We last see him being escorted to the brig where he disappears between this film and Star Trek IV.