McCoy (DeForest Kelley)’s Timeline and Summary

McCoy (DeForest Kelley)’s Timeline and Summary

  • McCoy breaks into Spock's quarters and impersonates the dearly departed Vulcan before succumbing to the vapors and fainting in Kirk's arms.
  • We next see McCoy in a bar. He barters with an alien captain for a transport to Genesis.
  • The alien's voice draws the attention of Starfleet security, who promptly arrest McCoy.
  • Kirk and Sulu break McCoy out of jail. It's surprisingly easy.
  • McCoy joins Kirk, Scotty, Sulu and Chekov in commandeering the Enterprise.
  • En route to Genesis, McCoy takes on more of Spock's personality traits.
  • After the destruction of the Enterprise, McCoy and the others find Spock on the planet.
  • Is McCoy caring for Spock or is he technically self-medicating at this point? Ethical quandaries aside, he admits to Spock's comatose body that he misses him.
  • On Vulcan, McCoy agrees to undergo the refusion and manages to survive the dangerous procedure.
  • He reunites with Spock at the film's end.