Seize the Day Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I'll get a divorce if it's the last thing I do," he swore. "As for Dad—As for Dad—I'll have to sell the car for junk and pay the hotel. I'll have to go on my knees to Olive and say, 'Stand by me a while. Don't let her win. Olive!'" And he thought, I'll try to start again with Olive. In fact, I must. Olive loves me. Olive— (7.90)

As Wilhelm's life crumbles around him, his last hope is that he'll be able to start over with Olive, the woman he planned to marry after he finally got his divorce. Feeling let down and abandoned by the family he already has, Wilhelm can only fantasize about starting a new one. Yep, just keep running away Wilhelm, because that's worked out so well for you thus far. Some people never learn…