Serapis's Conversations

Serapis's Conversations



Hey buddy, what’s up?

Man. Maaaaan.

Yes? What do you want?

Man. Maenads are such a drag.

Go home, Dionysos, you’re drunk.


Man. Your wife’s as bad as my maenads.

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I’ll forget you said that.

So will I. And you stay out of this, Seth.

‘You stay out of this, Seth.’ Blah blah blah. Is that all you ever say?

posts a link to Serapis’s wall

Nice song! I had no idea you were such a musician.

Uh… I’m not? That’s not me.

It’s not? It looks like you.

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Wow, it really does look like you, honey!

That’s not me! That’s Michael McDonald.

If you ever need a stunt double, looks like you got one. He’s even got the beard down.

We should have a costume party and invite him! He won’t have to dress up.

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posted an Event to Serapis’s wall: Taco Party with the Aztecs, midnight Saturday

Dude, everybody’s coming! I rented a big boat so we can bring all the guys. Central America here we come! Woooo!


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All the spirits of the forest

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I do like tacos. Why the Aztecs, though? That’s pretty far to go.

Didn’t you hear they have FOUR HUNDRED gods of wine?!


That’s right, man. There are 400 of us, and we've got gods for other kinds of booze and food, too. It’ll be a great party. Bring the gang! Plenty of tacos.

I’ll have to ask Isis if I can go. Might be my turn to watch Harpocrates.

You better come, dawg!

Has my wife been texting you?

No, why?

She’s been texting someone all night. I’m sure she’s cheating on me.

That’s ridiculous. I’m married. Why would she be talking to me?

Well, you do have my good looks.

Thanks. She does have good taste.

If he was talking to Hera, I’d kill him. Don’t worry about it.

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You sound like my wife.

Maybe if you spent more time talking to her, she wouldn’t be off talking to other people? Hm?

Every Greek goddess

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Now you REALLY sound like my wife.

poked Serapis.

Stop that.

poked Serapis.

I said stop it!

poked Serapis.

What do you want?!

poked Serapis.

Harpocrates? Take the dog out.

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Aw, dad, it’s late. Do I have to?

poked Harpocrates.


All right, all right already. Just let me find the snake leash.