How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Them pants," McIntyre proclaimed. "It's in the Revelations. Says the whore of Babylon will come forth in the last days wearing pants." (2.74)
Leave it to McIntyre to predict the end times because of Serena's pants. This might be taking things to the extreme, but it certainly shows us some of the ideas about women and power floating around the society.
Quote #5
"I'm asking your husband's opinion, Mrs. Pemberton, not yours." Serena stared at Buchanan a few moments. […] "My opinion is the same as my wife's," Pemberton said. "We don't sell unless we make a good profit." (6.21)
Unsurprisingly, Serena doesn't take kindly to Buchanan's verbal slap in the face. He's sick of her sticking her nose in men's affairs, and tells her so. It's too bad for him that she has more of a backbone (and a dark side) than he does, even though she's a woman.
Quote #6
"I've never seen a woman shoot a bear before," he said, "and I've known but a couple of men with the sand to have gone right at him the way you done." (6.67)
Galloway is surprised when Serena kills the bear attacking Pemberton. Okay, that's an understatement—everyone is surprised when she has the guts to do it. This scene makes the dudes think twice about whether a woman can hunt. Answer: She can.