How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"It's very relevant," Serena said. "My experience has been that altruism is invariably a means to conceal one's personal failures." (14.27)
This pretty much sums up Serena. She doesn't see the point in doing good (a.k.a. altruism) because all it means is that you've failed at something. Yikes, right? Serena is so greedy that she believes everyone else is as tight-fisted as she is with time and money.
Quote #5
"We need Harris' money," Serena said. "We'll have to humor him, this time, but have Lawyer Covington put in the contract that Harris can't begin any mining operations until the site's timber is cut. Harris has found something up there besides kaolin and some copper, something he doesn't want us to know about. We'll hire our own geologist and find out what it is, then refuse to cut the timber until Harris gives us a percentage, a good percentage." (18.19)
Here we see Serena's negotiating skills with a business partner. We'd like to point out that the Pembertons have already made a boatload of cash in their timber business and stand to make way more with this new venture. Of course, that's not good enough for Serena, though. She needs to stiff Harris in the process.
Quote #6
"My husband and I are more ambitious than that," Serena said. "I think you will be also, once you learn of the possibilities." (24.26)
To Serena, sticking in North Carolina is just bad business. She knows that there's money to be made in the U.S., but she wants to conquer the world… or at least Brazil. Here, she explains her next plan to investors to get them to buy in as well.