How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Yes," the doctor said. "Your wife's constitution is quite remarkable, so unless something unforeseen occurs, she'll recover." (21.69)
The doc in the hospital tells Pemberton that he has one strong gal for a wife. Pemberton probably doesn't need some doc to remind him, though. We see here how Serena defies the odds once again by surviving something that most women die from.
Quote #8
Serena was pale but her gray eyes were open and staring at a sky she'd not seen in seven days. The workers watched in silence as Campbell and Pemberton carried her through the camp to the house. They watched in wonder as well, especially men whose mothers and sisters and wives had died from what Serena survived. (22.1)
Returning home from her miscarriage, Serena causes quite a shock for the workers. We get the sense that she thrives when she should fail, which only makes everyone else run in fear. The fact that she had a miscarriage only strengthens her resolve for the next obstacle to come her way.
Quote #9
He also realized something else, that Serena would be able to convince Lowenstein and Calhoun to invest in her Brazil venture. Like her husband, they would believe her capable of anything. (24.107)
We couldn't have said it better ourselves. Asking investors to fund an operation thousands of miles away in Brazil seems like a pipe dream, but somehow Serena manages to get it done. Perhaps it's her stubbornness and resolve that pushes her to succeed. Or everyone else's latent fear of her that makes them agree. Either way, she's golden.