How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"The only signs you need to follow is in the Bible," McIntyre said. (5.10)
As it turns out, you actually need to follow signs about dangerous stuff like dynamite and such, too, but McIntyre's point is still the same. He believes wholeheartedly in the Bible and strives to obey it as much as he can.
Quote #2
"And darkness. You can't see it no more than you can see air, but when it's all around you sure enough know it." (5.47)
The workers believe that there's a palpable darkness around them once Serena comes to town. Some of this is based on gender roles (swing by the "Gender" page in this section), but there are also religious influences in there, too.
Quote #3
Mrs. Sorrels just stared at her as if she wasn't worth the bother of replying to. It was Cora Pinson who spoke. "I don't sit with whores." The two women lifted up their plates and turned their backs to Rachel as they moved to another table. (13.5)
Rachel has a tough audience at the camp—no one wants to associate with her after she's knocked up. We get that pre-marital pregnancy goes against the Bible and all, but we can't help but feel that they're being a little harsh. What about the bit about loving thy neighbor?