Seven Samurai Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Seven Samurai? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's so important about the era Seven Samurai is set in?

The farmers feel safe.
It's wild and lawless.
It predates firearms.
The Japanese were fighting off Western explorers.
Q. Why can't Shino and Katsushiro be together?

They're from different classes.
He gets killed.
She doesn't love him.
Her father has another suitor in mind.
Q. What's so shocking about Kambei shaving his head?

Losing his samurai's topknot is a dishonor.
It physically hurts him.
He doesn't need to shave his head to impersonate a priest.
The bandit can see him more clearly without his hair.
Q. How can we tell that Kikuchiyo isn't a formal samurai?

He doesn't have any scars.
He never praises the Emperor.
He can't ride a horse.
He's way too quiet.
Q. What marks the samurais' graves?

Their swords, laid reverently at the foot of the grave
Their swords, inserted upright into the top
Unmarked gravestones erected by the peasants
A small shrine to the gods at the entrance to the graveyard