Grace Brisbane Timeline & Summary


Grace Brisbane Timeline & Summary

  • Grace remembers the time when she was almost devoured by wolves. Ah, memories.
  • Ever since, Grace has been fixated on this sexy yellow-eyed wolf in the woods. No, he's actually a wolf. Four legs, tail, and all.
  • Her friend Olivia thinks Grace is obsessed, and they fight over it.
  • After Jack Culpeper is killed, hunters try to shoot the wolves in the woods.
  • Grace finds her yellow-eyed wolf bleeding to death on her deck... and he's in human form. His name is Sam.
  • She takes him to the hospital, and then they pretty much move in with each other.
  • When Grace and Sam are together, they date, kiss, and more. When they're apart, Grace obsesses over trying to find a cure for Sam's wolfy side.
  • Jack Culpeper, who is a werewolf and not dead, ends up kidnapping Grace. He believes she knows the cure.
  • With the help of Beck, Sam's guardian, Grace gets Jack under control.
  • Meanwhile, Isabel, Jack's sister, thinks she has an idea for a cure: induce a high fever by infecting them with meningitis. Brilliant.
  • They inject Jack and Sam. Sam turns into a wolf and runs away. Jack dies.
  • Grace takes Sam's disappearance hard. Isabel tells Grace that he's dead, but she holds out hope.
  • One cold winter night, he walks out of the woods on two feet. They say each other's name and embrace.