Shooting the Moon Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But the funny thing was, it almost made me feel sad to say it. Because I knew that if I wanted TJ home, then I had lost my good feelings about the war forever. I had lost the excitement that used to get me so wound up I could hardly calm back down again for hours. (11.38)

Ouch. The more Jamie thinks about the war, the more she comes to terms with the fact that it might not be the best thing after all. That might sound obvious, but it's quite a shock to Jamie. War has become a part of who she is because she and her family are always so wrapped up in it.

Quote #8

When TJ had come home for a few days after basic training, he'd looked like a completely different person. He looked like a soldier. I was almost scared to talk to him. (12.1)

It's interesting the effect a short amount of training can have on a guy—Jamie tells us how different TJ was when he came home from training as a way of showing us how much war changes people. Even before the guy has seen real combat, he's different. Just hearing about war in training has made him grow up.

Quote #9

"It's a worthless war?" My mouth hung open. The Colonel was calling Vietnam a worthless war? (13.26)

When the Colonel lets it slip that the war is worthless, Jamie's reaction is shock. She can't believe her dad would say something like that about a war. After all, he's an army hero and no stranger to war. It helps us realize that not all wars are the same. Sure, you might be all for fighting when necessary, but that doesn't mean you're ready to sign up for all wars.