The Sign of the Beaver Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He would have liked, however, to have someone to talk to occasionally. He hadn't reckoned on missing that. (2.10)

Strange that we often don't realize how important something is until it's gone. Matt thought he was a loner before, but now not so much.

Quote #5

Matt was puzzled by his own unwillingness to answer. He ought to be glad to see anyone after all these days alone, but somehow he wasn't. He didn't quite know why he found himself lying. (3.15)

Weird, huh? He finally meets someone, but Ben must give off some kind of creepy sensation. Ever meet someone like that? Matt should have followed his own intuition and kept himself safe with the rifle.

Quote #6

So often Attean made him feel uncomfortable and ridiculous. But he had to admit that on the days when Attean did not come the hours went by slowly. (11.2)

Hey there, irony. On the one hand Attean drives Matt nuts, but on the other hand he can't get enough of the company. Poor Matt.