Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain Quotes

Sir Gawain

Quote 7

"It is excellent," said the lord, "Many thanks indeed.
It could be even better if you would inform me
Where you won this same prize by your cleverness."
"That was not in our agreement," said he, "ask nothing else;
For you have had what is due to you, expect to receive
    nothing more."
(1392 - 1397)

Naturally, Gawain is not eager to reveal the source of the kiss he has "won." And luckily, he finds a loophole in the rules that enables him to avoid doing so.

    Sir Gawain met the knight,
    Made him a frosty bow;
    The other said, "Good sir,
    A man may trust your vow."
"Gawain," said that green man, "may God protect you!
You are indeed welcome, sir, to my place;
You have timed your journey as a true man should,
And you know the agreement between us."
(2235 - 2242)

The Knight’s statement that a man can trust Gawain’s vow must be sweet vindication for Gawain, since he’s so concerned with his code of honor and has worked so hard to make sure he finds the Knight in time for New Year’s. The Knight’s reference to Gawain’s knowledge of "the agreement between us" reminds the reader of the Knight’s care to make sure the terms of it are clear from the beginning.

Sir Gawain

Quote 9

"Truly," replied Gawain, "I am greatly honoured,
Though I am not in fact such a man as you speak of,
To deserve such respect as you have just described
I am completely unworthy, I know very well."
(1241 - 1244)

Some people think that Gawain’s modesty here is false - that he’s just saying he’s unworthy because it’s the proper thing to do, not because he really believes it. But on the other hand, maybe he’s just trying to reject his reputation - what everybody says - as the thing his identity depends on. It seems reasonable enough to not want to be defined by what others say about you. After all, that gives other people an awful lot of control over who you are.