Siren Song Resources


Atwood's Other "Songs"

We meant it when we said our lady likes to title many of her poems as songs.

One-Stop Atwood Shop

Here's all you could ever want to know about Atwood, science fiction, and her poetry.

The Penelopiad

Atwood retells the story of Penelope and Odysseus here in her oh-so-awesome way.


Canadian Humor

Atwood answers all your questions about good ol' Canadian humor and other goodies.

A Strangely Awesome Interpretation of "Siren Song"

Check out this cool interpretation of our favorite poem.

The Odyssey and Atwood, Together at Last

It's pretty awesome seeing the two in the same place, even if there is French overdubbing.


Atwood Reads

Listen to Atwood herself read a selection.

Musical Interpretation

Here's a folk duo covering the poem.


Bird Ladies and Odysseus

Our pesky Sirens are causing trouble again…

Atwood in a Hat

Our lady looks rather mythical herself here.

Articles & Interviews

Atwood on Brave New World

As a science fiction buff, Atwood offers some food for thought about the book Brave New World.

More on Dangerous Women

Check out Atwood's "Stone Mattress" for another look at a dangerous woman, this time in the Arctic.

Atwood via Paris

The Paris Review answers all of your burning questions about Atwood and her work.


Oryx and Crake

Take a look at one of Atwood's latest books, which has a character named Snowman.

Margaret Atwood: A Critical Companion

Author Nathalie Cooke offers some insight into the types of characters, themes, and ideas you'll see in Atwood's works.