Karl (Billy Bob Thornton)’s Timeline and Summary

Karl (Billy Bob Thornton)’s Timeline and Summary

  • After being interviewed by a student journalist, Karl is let out of the mental institution he has lived in for almost his entire life.
  • Time to party.
  • Karl wolfs down a pile of French-fried potaters, then tries to return to the institution.
  • The law doesn't allow Karl to return, so the hospital administrator finds Karl a job and a room in town.
  • Karl works repairing lawnmowers and befriends Frank, a young boy in town.
  • Soon, Frank's mom, Linda, invites Karl to stay with them.
  • Both Frank and Vaughan, Linda's friend, tell Karl that Linda's boyfriend, Doyle, is dangerous.
  • Doyle is loud, angry, and mean. He breaks windows, pushes Linda, and verbally abuses Frank.
  • Seeing enough of this, Karl sharpens a blade and kills Doyle, thinking it's the right thing to do.
  • Karl gets put back in the mental institution, where he appears to live happily ever after, like a Disney princess. Princess Karl.