


Character Role Analysis


Most of the time it seems like the entire world is out to get Jamal. We have to imagine he probably feels that way, too. Throughout Slumdog Millionaire there are quite a few folks who do their best to stop our intrepid hero at all costs. But which one of the movie's seemingly countless host of bad guys is the baddest of them all?

Sleazy game show host Prem Kumar certainly tries his best to bring Jamal down. Gangster and chronic child-blinder Maman throws his hat into the mix for worst human around. Javed, as ruthless slumlord and captor of Latika, makes a strong case to be the lord of all villains. However, we believe that Slumdog's most significant antagonist is none other than Jamal's own brother, Salim.

If you've peeped Shmoop literature glossary, you know that we define the antagonist as "the person who stands in the way of the protagonist."

And of all the characters in Slumdog, Salim stands in Jamal's way the most, actively keeping his younger brother from his destiny: finding Latika. While he isn't your stereotypical ruthless, evil villain (cough: Javed: cough, cough) Salim is constantly and knowingly responsible for Jamal's separation from Latika, and is thus the cause for much of the story's tension.

Only at the very end of the film does Salim finally realize the error of his ways, taking one for the team to ensure the safety of both Jamal and Latika—and finally allowing for resolution to the plot.