Snow Falling on Cedars Imprisonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

At ten forty-five the jurors were told that they were released from any further duties; the charges against the accused man had been dismissed; new evidence had come to light. The accused man himself was set free immediately and walked out of his cell without leg irons or handcuffs; standing just outside its door, he kissed his wife for a long time. Ishmael Chambers took a photograph of this; he watched their kiss through his viewfinder. (32.66)

Here, Kabuo has just been freed. He's just spent the last two plus months wearing handcuffs and leg irons whenever he left his cell. Think about that the next time you equate being grounded with jail. Unless this is what being grounded is like for you—in which case you should contact authorities.