Sold Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Title.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But I could feel myself, my true self, give in to the simple pleasure of being held. (119.AnAccidentalKindness.4)

When the hugging man comes, we see Lakshmi reveal herself for the first time since she realized she was a slave. This intimacy that Lakshmi experiences with the hugging man is in direct contrast to the pretending Lakshmi does when she's with other men.

Quote #8

"Do you want to leave here?"

I know about these Americans. Anita has told me all about then. I will not be fooled into leaving here only to be stripped naked and have people throw stones at me and call me a dirty woman.

I shake my head no. (137.AStrangeCustomer.17-19)

So many lies here. The lies about Americans. And the lie Lakshmi tells both the man and herself. She does want to leave… so what's holding her back from trusting the first American?

Quote #9

I had a drunken customer yesterday. When he fell sleep afterward, I went through his wallet and helped myself to 20 rupees more. (155.WhateverItTakes.2)

Lakshmi was quietly outraged and indignant when her stepfather stole her cucumbers and gambled the money earned from her mother's earrings. But now she has become a thief as well. Why is this so much more acceptable in the context of the story?