Something Wicked This Way Comes Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"And Will?" said Mr. Dark. "Let's ride him back and back, eh? Make him a babe in arms, a babe for the Dwarf to carry like a clown-child, roundabout in parades, every day for the next fifty years, would you like that, Will? To be a babe forever?" (45.34)

Look at the way Bradbury characterizes Mr. Dark – there's no room for ambiguity in his character. While we may question the complicated nature of several characters in this novel, Mr. Dark seems to be the only pure, unadulterated force of evil in the text.

Quote #11

He gathered the boy somewhat closer and thought, Evil has only the power that we give it. I give you nothing. I take back. Starve. Starve. Starve.

The two matchstick lights in the boy's affrighted eyes blew out. (52.49-52.50)

This passage suggests that we have control over whether or not evil affects us. This is a good way to think about the carnival – we may all be tempted, but we have control over whether the evil will snare us.