Something Wicked This Way Comes Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I dub thee…asses and foolssss…I dub…thee…Mr. Sickly…and…Mr. Pale…!" (24.66)

These words are spoken by Mr. Electrico, and reflect the boys' wide-eyed innocence as he perceives it.

Quote #5

"Together? You two feet taller and going around feeling your leg-and-arm-bones? You looking down at me, Jim, and what'd we talk about, me with my pockets full of kite-string and marbles and frog-eyes, and you with clean nice and empty pockets and making fun, is that what we'd talk, and you able to run faster and ditch me – " (26.31)

Will describes the world as it existed for the boys before the arrival of the carnival. Their world view will never be this simple – this innocent – again.

Quote #6

Jim gazed up with that funny warm look of breathless anticipation he often had nights in summer at the shadow-window Theater in that house a few streets over. (26.8)

It's interesting that Jim is so eager to grow up while Will is reluctant. What explains these differences between them?