Something Wicked This Way Comes Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A bad thing happened at sunset.

Jim vanished. (16.1-16.2)

Bad things happen as soon as the sun goes down; there's a real dichotomy between daytime and nighttime here. Brings us back to the boy's birthdays, doesn't it?

Quote #8

The Illustrated Man nodded toward the library.

"The janitor's clock. Stop it."

The witch, mouth wide, savoring doom, wandered off into the marble quarry. (43.76-43.78)

Does it make sense for human beings be thought of as clocks? Or is this just weird and creepy? Where else in the novel is this imagery suggested?

Quote #9

If Will didn't hurry, those legions from Time Future, all the alarms of coming life, so mean, raw, and true you couldn't deny that's how Dad'd look tomorrow, next day, the day after the day after that, that cattle run of possible years might sweep Dad under! (49.3)

The passage of time inevitably means age, but Will here attempts valiantly to divert his dad's attention away from such a truth. Eventually Mr. Halloway might be said to have beaten time. We're talking, of course, about the closing scene where he gets his wish and runs as fast as the boys.