Song of Hiawatha Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Line)

Quote #4

Much he questioned old Nokomis
Of his father Mudjekeewis;
Learned from her the fatal secret
Of the beauty of his mother,
Of the falsehood of his father (4.28-32)

When he grows into a young man, Hiawatha asks his grandmother about what kind of guy his father is. He then finds out how his father caused his mother's death and vows revenge.

Quote #5

Patiently sat Hiawatha,
Listening to his father's boasting (4.122-123)

You can imagine how hard it must be for Hiawatha to listen to his dad talk about being a womanizer. After all, it's this dude's womanizing ways that ultimately led to the death of Hiawatha's mother.

Quote #6

Hasten back among the women,
Back to old Nokomis, Faint-heart,
I will slay you as you stand there,
As of old I slew her father! (9.200-203)

The evil magician known as Pearl-Feather isn't threatened when Hiawatha shows up to kill him. He knows full well who Hiawatha is and he assumes that the young man can do no harm. He also drops the little nugget about how he (Pearl-Feather) was apparently the killer of Hiawatha's great-grandfather—dunDUNDUN.