Song of Hiawatha Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Line)

Quote #4

Thus it is our daughters leave us,
Those we love, and those who love us! (10.238-240)

Minnehaha's father is sad to see her go off to get married. He knows that this is part of life, but can't help but feel sad now that he's all alone with no one to keep him company. Minnehaha was the last person in his life whom he loved, and now she's gone off with her new husband.

Quote #5

Happy are you, Hiawatha,
Having such a wife to love you! (10.305-306)

Hiawatha and Minnehaha are so in love that even the birds in the trees can see it as the couple passes by. In this passage, we hear a bird shouting down to Hiawatha about how lucky he is to have such a loving wife. It turns out that not everyone has the same luck.

Quote #6

O my children,
Love is sunshine, hate is shadow […]
Rule by love, O Hiawatha! (10.303-306)

The whole world seems invested in Hiawatha's new marriage. Even the sun looks down and reminds Hiawatha to always "rule by love." What the sun means here is that Hiawatha should always rule over his family and his people with a spirit of love. That's the only way to keep peace at home and beyond.