Song of Hiawatha Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Line)

Quote #4

With their clubs they beat and bruised him
Beat to death poor Pau-Puk-Keewis (17.193-196)

To be fair, Pau-Puk-Keewis has been running around the countryside destroying nearly everything he can get his hands on. That's why Hiawatha and his gang track down the dude and kill him. In fact, they kill him four times because PPK has the ability to jump out of his body at the last second and put his soul into any living thing that's nearby.

Quote #5

Dead among the rocky ruins
Lay the cunning Pau-Puk-Keewis (17.410-411)

Finally, Hiawatha is able to kill Pau-Puk-Keewis as revenge for all the trouble PPK has been causing. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that the gods of thunder and lightning kill him after Hiawatha has requested their help.

Quote #6

Hurled the pine-cones down upon him,
Struck him on his brawny shoulders,
On his crown defenceless struck him (18.120)

Those pesky Puk-Wudjies decide one day that they're sick of getting out of the way every time the giant Kwasind goes marching through the forest. They feel like the only way to be safe is to kill the dude, so they wait in ambush and kill the guy using their secret weapons—which turn out to be, um, pinecones for some reason. Oh well, they're effective enough and they manage to kill Kwasind.