Sonnet 137 Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

As you might have noticed from the title, Sonnet 137 is… wait for it… a sonnet. More specifically, it's what's known as a Shakespearean sonnet—he was that good at writing in this style. Oh su...


It’s hard to pin down exactly what the speaker is like in Shakespeare’s poem—and that’s exactly the point. The reason for this is the speaker is incredibly conflicted, torn this way and tha...


As far as setting goes, it's important to realize that Sonnet 137 takes place essentially in the speaker's mind. He's mentally kicking himself, and lashing out at others, for his love troubles. But...

Sound Check

When you realize that you've been cheated on, you tend to make a lot sounds. For example: grr, argh, and ugh come to mind. Another sound you might hear yourself making is the F sound.Now, we're not...

What's Up With the Title?

Technically speaking, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 137 doesn’t have a title; we just know it by its numbered position in a series. We also know it by its first line, though, which is used at times in p...

Calling Card

As with many of Shakespeare’s sonnets, Sonnet 137 reveals a deep-seated anger and bitterness at the failure of love. And yet, like all of Shakespeare’s sonnets, this bitterness doesn’t stop t...


This poem describes some pretty universal emotions, like frustration and anger. We can probably all relate to this. Still, the way the speaker communicates this theme is pretty complicated. First o...


Will the Real W.H. Please Step Forward? For centuries, readers of Shakespeare’s Sonnets have been scratching their heads over the book’s dedication, written from Thomas Thorpe, the publisher, t...

Steaminess Rating

It may not look like it on the surface (heck, the only body parts the speaker mentions by name are the "eyes," the "heart," and the "face"), but Shakespeare’s poem is actually teeming with refere...