Sonnet 146 Resources


The Amazing Website of Shakespeare's Sonnets

It really is amazing, this website. Read all 154 sonnets online, browse the picture gallery, and pick up boatloads of nifty facts about Shakespeare's work.


The 411 on Shakespeare. Plus, we hook you up with links to other study guides, videos, pictures, and more.

Cool iPad App: The Sonnets by William Shakespeare

If you've got an iPad, you're in luck. Touchpress has got a really cool app that lets you get crazy interactive with the sonnets.

Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet

Scope out tons of info on Will Shakespeare and a zillion links to other great websites.

Rhythm and Meter Exercise for Sonnet 146

This is cool for students looking for practice with scansion and teachers looking for assignment ideas. Compliments of the Norton Anthology of Poetry.


Actor Simon Manyonda Reads Sonnet 146

These poems are always better when spoken.


Listen to Shakespeare's Sonnets for Free

That's right. We said free.


1609 Title Page

Check out the original title page of SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS.

Historical Documents

1609 Edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets

This is pretty cool. You can scroll through images from one of the first editions online.


Shakespeare's Sonnets

The Folger Shakespeare Library has a nice edition that includes an introduction to each sonnet with some helpful notes. Check it out, compliments of GoogleBooks.

The Sonnets (2008)

This one's edited by famous Shakespeare scholar Harold Bloom and gives a solid, overall introduction to the sonnets. It's also full of essays by other literary critics.

Shakespeare's Sonnets (2000)

Stephen Booth's edition of the sonnets (including analysis) was first published in 1977 and is an award-winning classic for a reason.

Movies & TV

A Waste of Shame: The Mystery of Shakespeare and His Sonnets (2005)

This one's pretty cool. The made-for-television drama from the BBC explores the circumstances that may have led Shakespeare to write the sonnets.

Shakespeare's Sonnets (2012)

A boatload of famous actors perform the sonnets. Bonus: it's available on DVD.

In Search of Shakespeare (2004)

This four-part PBS series is more like a detective story than some boring old documentary and features a bunch of great actors from the Royal Shakespeare Company.