Sons of Horus's Conversations
Hey guys!
Pretty good. I got that perfume you asked for finished.
Sweet! When can you bring it over?
I have to ask if I can come tomorrow. Last time I left the house without telling Mom, she tried to bite my head off.
You're kidding?
No, he's not.
You're all grounded.
What'd we do?
You know exactly what you did.
Um, how about a clue?
You left a stomach on my bathroom sink!
Not me.
Me neither.
Stomachs? Nasty.
That's where it got off to! I thought I lost it! Thanks, Dad!
Whoa, what's this?
It's for practice when we don't have any dead people to work on. Keep your skills up.
DUDE WE ARE IN IT! We look great!
I thought you'd dig that.
Except it's a lot easier than it is for us in the embalming room.
Sure. All we have to do is point and click.
On the Internet, everybody has hands.
You've outdone yourself, Anubis.
Hey, I know the kids like video games. So it just came to me.
Hey, we're on the Internet again.
We seem to be popular lately. What'd you find?
This! We're clue number three.
Oooh, another video game!
Did someone say video games?
No more games before your homework.
Speaking of homework, Horus…don't you have some yourself?
Ha ha ha! Burned!
You watch it. I can still ground you. Even if I'm still a kid myself.
Imsety, how come you're the only one with a human head?
I don't know. It's boring. I wish I had a cool head like you guys.
There is nothing cool about having a baboon's head.
At least you don't have a dumb jackal head.
Or a dumb falcon head.
What's this about dumb falcon heads?
likes this.
likes this.
likes this.
What's wrong with jackal heads?
likes this.
And you did not just make fun of our baboon heads, did you, young man?
Maybe it's not so bad to have a boring human head after all…
Hi Nef! How's it going?