Speaker for the Dead Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Speaker for the Dead? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. At the end of the novel, it is suggested that Quim

is planning to be a missionary and try to convert piggies to Catholicism.
has abandoned Catholicism and plans to become a Speaker for the Dead.
is going to become a brainless drone of the Hive Queen.
still condemns Ender as a heretic.
Q. In order to get Ender to release him, Grego

tells the truth about Novinha and Libo.
joins the circus as an itinerant juggler of watersnakes.
pees in his pants.
stabs Ender with a knife.
Q. Olhado becomes angry at Ender when Ender

captures him and won't let him go.
reveals that Ouranda is his sister.
gets Jane to hijack his metal eyes and show him nothing but Wheel of Fortune reruns for a month.
tricks him into helping him read Novinha's files.
Q. Quora's first words to Ender are

"You stink!"
"Are you our daddy now?"
"These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise."
Q. Ela is

Ouanda's apprentice.
Novinha's apprentice.
Bishop Peregrino's apprentice.
Rooter's apprentice.