Spider-Man Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Spider-Man? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Gen. Slocum threatens to give the military contract to Oscorp's competitor. What is that company's name?

Mission Industries
Argent Tech
Quest Aerospace
Q. Where does the Green Goblin hold Mary Jane hostage?

The Empire State Building
The Queensboro Bridge
Battery Park
The Sbarro on West 33rd Street
Q. What is the Green Goblin's explosive of choice?

Pumpkin bombs
Blade grenades
Goblin shells
Mentos in a 2-liter bottle of root beer
Q. Where does the Green Goblin wipe out Balkan, Fargas, and the rest of the Oscorp board members?

The Oscorp lab
Moondance Diner
World Unity Festival
Olive Garden
Q. According to Dr. Stromm, what side effects do Norman's performance enhancers have?

Violence, aggression, and insanity
Madness, strength, and hostility
Anger, vengeance, and cunning
Dizziness, flatulence, and heartburn