Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.
- What is Spider-Man's motivation for fighting crime? Why does he wear a mask to do it?
- What makes the Green Goblin one of the Spider-Man franchise's greatest villains?
- Not to be too blunt about it, but why are Peter and Harry friends? What do they have in common?
- Superman and Batman fight crime in Metropolis and Gotham, respectively—two made-up cities. How does the fact that Spider-Man is based in Queens, New York, affect the story?
- Do Slocum, Balkan, or Fargas bear any responsibility for the Green Goblin?
- Do you think that Mary Jane suspects that Peter is Spider-Man? Should she? How about Harry and Aunt May?
- What, exactly, is the Green Goblin's goal here? What is his motivation, and what is he trying to achieve?
- Mary Jane is clearly the romantic interest, but is there more to her character than that?
- How did this Spider-Man flick influence future Spider-Man flicks?
- Who's the best cinematic Spider-Man so far: Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, or Tom Holland?