Spring and Fall Resources


Hopkins Quarterly

This is a journal of articles on Gerard Manley Hopkins. It's like a scholarly fan club, which is just about as nerdy as it gets. In a good way.

The Victorian Web

The Victorian Web is a useful website for anyone studying the Victorian period. They have links to biographies, scholarly articles, historical context material, and more. Here's a link to their page on Gerard Manley Hopkins.


Poets.org has a handy, short bio of our favorite Jesuit-priest-turned-poet.

Poetry Foundation

The Poetry Foundation is an awesome resource. They've got excerpts of some of Hopkins's letters online. It's like reading over his shoulder, only less creepy and annoying!


Documentary about Gerard Manley Hopkins…

This is part 1 in a series about the life of Hopkins.

Old-Timey Reading

Who knew they had YouTube in the nineteenth century?


"Spring and Fall" Read Out Loud

From Archive.org.

Natalie Merchant Sings "Spring and Fall"

We might not know how Hopkins would have set this poem to music, but the singer Natalie Merchant gave it a shot and did a pretty awesome job. Give it a listen.

Song, Take II

Here's another cool vocal interpretation of the poem.


Portrait of Hopkins at the End of His Life

Poor Hopkins died at a relatively young age. Here's a picture of him taken in 1888, soon before he died of typhoid fever—one of the more popular fevers to die of during the Victorian period.

Hopkins as a Young Man

Here's what Hopkins looked like as a very young man. Looks like a guy who's destined for great things. We've seen faces like this at the local coffee shop…

Articles and Interviews

Grammar and Word Choice in Hopkins's Poetry

This is an article that compares Hopkins's poetry (and "Spring and Fall" in particular) to poems by other 19th-century poets.

Article on Hopkins's "Sprung Rhythm"

Two professor types wrote an article on Hopkins's special meter, which he called "sprung rhythm."


Biography of Gerard Manley Hopkins

This 2008 biography of Hopkins was written by Paul L. Mariani. You can preview it here on Google Books, or you can check it out from your local library.

Collection of Essays on Hopkins's Poetry

This is a collection of now-famous essays by critics like F.R. Leavis on Gerard Manley Hopkins. You can preview the book here, or request the book (or individual essays from it) at your local library.