Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.

Quote #7

SYBOK: Spock, Dr. McCoy, come with me.

[Spock doesn't move.]

SYBOK: Spock?

SPOCK: I cannot go with you.

Despite his telepathic therapy sesh with Sybok, Spock still refuses to join his bro's team. For whatever reason, he sees his bond with Kirk and the crew of Enterprise as more important than his bond with Sybok. Why do you think that is?

Quote #8

SPOCK: Sybok, you are my brother, but you do not know me. I am not the outcast boy you left behind those many years ago.

Sometimes, when we look at family members, we can get caught up thinking about them as they used to be, rather than as they are now. That's a big mistake—and more than a little lame. It also happens to be exactly what Sybok is doing with Spock.

Quote #9

SPOCK: I was thinking of Sybok. I have lost a brother.

KIRK: Yes. I lost a brother once. I was lucky. I got him back.

This, if you don't know, is a reference to Spock's death and subsequent resurrection in Star Trek II and Star Trek III. The exchange emphasizes the familial nature of the crew's relationships with each other.