Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.

Quote #4

SYBOK: Sha Ka Ree. The source. Heaven. Eden. Call it what you will. [...] Still every culture shares this common dream of a place from which creation sprang.

According to Sybok, every religion is true, in a sense, because each one refers back to the same fundamental set of truths. This isn't a crazy concept: mythologists like Joseph Campbell have long argued that human belief systems are more similar than they are different. Sybok simply gives this concept a science-fiction spin.

Quote #5

KIRK: What vision?

SYBOK: Given to me by God. He waits for us on the other side.

KIRK: You are mad.

We're inclined to agree. While Sybok's ideas are intriguing at times, it's hard to trust someone who starts a revolution and hijacks a starship based on a hallucination.

Quote #6

GOD: One voice, many faces.

[Representations of various deities float through the mass of blue energy before settling on the form of an old man with long, white hair and a beard.]

GOD: Does this better suit your expectations?

And here he is, folks, the Big Man himself. This is another way of conveying Sybok's earlier message that though each religion takes a unique perspective, they all refer back to the same thing. Of course, this exchange takes on an ironic bent—and perhaps even an ominous one—once the true identity of God is revealed.