Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.

Quote #7

SYBOK: That wasn't the worst of it, was it?


SYBOK: Was it? Share it.

MCCOY: Not long after, they found a cure. A goddamn cure.

Poor McCoy. This must be a difficult memory to carry around every day. We can understand why he's so thankful to Sybok for helping him make peace with it.

Quote #8

SYBOK: Each man's pain is unique.

Once again, Sybok says something that isn't totally crazy. That's the odd thing about the guy: half the time, he sounds like an insightful therapist; the other half, he just seems like a deranged YouTube conspiracy theorist.

Quote #9

KIRK: You know that pain and guilt [...] make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away. I need my pain.

Unlike his crew, Kirk has no interest in ridding himself of his most painful memories. Suffering is, as he says, what makes us "who we are." While it's great to reach a place of acceptance about that pain, that's a very different proposition from throwing it away altogether.