Spock (Leonard Nimoy)’s Timeline and Summary

Spock (Leonard Nimoy)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Recently brought back to life, Spock struggles to figure out his emotions.
  • Spock travels back to Earth with the crew of Enterprise.
  • Upon hearing the probe's signal, Spock determines that it's the song of a humpback whale—a species that is now extinct.
  • Spock makes the calculations for time travel. The crew ends up in 1986.
  • Kirk and Spock find humpbacks at a local whale institute.
  • Spock goes swimming with the whales and reads their thoughts.
  • Later, Spock helps the crew beam the whales aboard the ship.
  • Spock once again performs the calculations for time travel, and the crew warps back to the present.
  • The crew saves the world.
  • Spock volunteers to accept punishment with the rest of the crew for their actions in previous films, even though he is not being charged himself.
  • Spock bonds with his father, Sarek.