Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Resources


The Star Trek Homepage

True Trekkies already have this page bookmarked.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Because we know you want to save the humpbacks.

Book or TV Adaptations

The Voyage Home, the Novel

No Star Trek movie would be complete without a schlocky novelization. It's part of the magic.

Articles and Interviews

"How to Make Music With a Whale"

This fascinating piece provides insight into the concept of whale songs, which is key to The Voyage Home.

"A Star Trek Future Might Be Closer Than We Think"

Yes, please. We're tired of cooking food. We just want replicators already.

President Obama on Why Star Trek Is Important

When's the last time a president talked about the Force, Star Wars fans? Yeah, that's what we thought.


Humpback Whales Could Be the Superheroes of the Ocean

See how humpback whales have been observed defending small ocean animals from brutal killer whales. D'aww.

Behind the Scenes of The Voyage Home

Although this is pretty much just a slideshow of production shots, it's still a must-watch for any hardcore Star Trek fan.


Remembering Leonard Nimoy

This moving piece remembers the life and career of the one-of-a-kind Leonard Nimoy after his death in 2015.

Star Trek Turns 50

This NPR piece honors the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, in 2016.


Humpback Whale

This is a humpback whale. It is the key to your future. Protect it well.

Spock and the Punk Rocker

Wait—they're friends in real life? Everything we know is a lie.